Conscious Conversation - Inspiring Leadership

  • June 22, 2017
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Impact Hub Boston 50 Milk St., Boston, MA 02109 - Entrance is off Devonshire. Event is on the 20th floor in Lighthouse West


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Inspiring  Leadership:

Stories & Conversation with Conscious Leaders

Leading a conscious business isn’t always easy. Shortly after Everybody Matters author Bob Chapman became CEO of Barry-Wehmiller, a supplier of manufacturing technology and services, he came to a realization:

“Everything I learned was wrong in terms of the relationship that I had with the people in our organization!”

Like many leaders, Chapman soon understood that his role was as much about the company’s financial success as it was about service to its stakeholders (ranging from investors, employees to customers, vendors, the community and the environment). 

Leaders face tough choices, make mistakes, and have transformative realizations that shape their approach to leading their companies. There can also be breakthrough mindset shifts like Chapman’s that change the way they view their purpose and steer their companies in new directions.

This latest event in our Conscious Conversations series will feature leaders from a diverse array of companies sharing stories about the ups and downs, the failures and the aha moments, that have shaped their approach to leadership.

These stories will serve as food for thought to stimulate small group conversations about leadership experiences and challenges for conscious businesses. Participants will choose from a set of related themes for a deeper dive, and small groups will enjoy more focused discussions to share personal experiences and challenges, coaching one another on approaches and solutions. 

(Part 2: For those interested, the discussions  will continue at an informal post-meeting gathering hosted by the New England Impact Investing Initiative. More info at the meeting!)


  • Megan Driscoll, PharmaLogics
  • Larry Dossantos, 912 AutoCenter
  • Andy Atkins, Bates Communications
  • Angela Cavallaro, Next Jump 


  • Bob Scoville, President, Performance Talks, Inc.

Who we are

Members of the Boston chapter of Conscious Capitalism, a non-profit organization, are a diverse set of individuals who recognize the power of capitalism to improve the human condition and create enduring value for all stakeholders. We come from organizations large and small, at different stages of our careers, from CEO to student. We’re bound by our common curiosity about these ideas and the desire to create change in our organizations and in our society.

This event is brought to you with the special support of Impact Hub Boston.

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